Thursday, April 25, 2013

Reading 5 tips Tips 3-4

5 tips
Tips 3-4
Tip 3 do research
Literary critics have written vast numbers of analytically and critical pieces on countless books if you’re having trouble understanding a particular text do some research and see what knowledgeable sources have to say about it in addition to increasing your comprehension you’ll also showing initiative something teachers always like to see always use legitimate and scholarly sources not condensed study guides
Yip 4 use a dictionary
Make sure you have access to a dictionary when you’re reading you can often figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word by using context clues but sometimes you can’t rather than simply skipping over the words you don’t know take the time to look them up the result are well worth the effort your comprehensions will increase greatly and you’ll build your vocabulary at the same time.
Choose the right!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Student Success Statement

         Student Success Statement
“A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder.”
                                                   Thomas Carlyle
REFLECTION: What this quote about Thomas Carlyle means to me is that if you don’t have any goal in your life to reach for you can end up somewhere you won’t like so a person without a goal is nothing.

Reading 5 tips for success

5 tips for success
Reading and writing go hand in hand the better you understand a text the more likely you are successfully communicate your thoughts about it in writhing sop its important to develop strong skills in both areas with that in mind here’s how to improve your reading comprehension
Tips 1-2
Tip 1: annotate
Be an active reader instead of passively reading a text take notes about important story elements key factual information and significant in text
Tip 2 notes the authors writing style
Every author with a purpose using deliberate methods to successfully specific information to the audience when you’re reading look for patterns in the author writhing for example you may notice a repetition of key words phrases or symbols or the use of distinct type of sentence structure authors employ these writing strategies to help readers comprehend a central argument or theme so be sure to explore how these techniques  crate meaning
Choose the right 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Student success statement

Student success statement
You have only always to what to do what is right it will become easier by practice and you enjoy in the midst of your trials the pleasure of an approving conscience
Robert E. Lee

Take control of homework So it doesn't control you Part 3

Take control of homework
So it doesn’t control you
Part 3
Take advantage of any free time
If you have a study period or a long bus ride use the time to review notes prepare for upcoming class or start your homework flash cards are a great learning tool they are easy to handle and are a marvelous tool to help you learn and remember anything punch a hole in the upper left corner of each index card and connect the stack of your flash cards with a ring then the card are bound and not flopping around cards bound like this act like a small book with pages you can even have separate ringed tacks for each subject whatever you want to remember put in on card
Study with a friend
Get together with friends and classmates to quiz each other compare notes and predict test questions consider joining a study group
Communicate if you don’t concerns about the amount or type of homework you have you may want to talk to your family teachers or counselor they can help understand how much time you need to allot for homework and go to manage your tasks
Celebrate your achievements
Reward yourself for hitting milestones or doing something weal
Choose the right

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Take control of homework so it doesn’t control you

Take control of homework so it doesn’t control you
Part 2
keep things in perspective know how much weight each assignment or test carries and your time accordingly don’t  waste time but be wise an smart doing the most important things direst is being wise and smart
keep your mind from wandering by taking notes underlining sections discussing topics with others or relating your homework to something you’re like studying in another class learn actively and not passively be demonstrate a good attitude toward home assignments and you will being to love doing it
Organize the information
People process information in different ways some people to draw pictures or charts to digest information others prefer to read out loud or make detailed outlines try to find to methods that work best for you ask you teacher for recommendations if you’re having trouble
Choose the right 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

jenna huff

Jenna huff
High school student
Extreme sportsmanship award
From U.S. Olympic committee
Reflection:  I would would do the same thing if I was racing and if someone gets hurt I will go back and help so they could finish the race. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

10 time management tips for students

10 time management tips for students
Tips 5-10
Tip 5 reviews your notes every day
Reviewing helps you reinforce what you’ve learned so you need less time to study before a test you’ll also be ready if you get called on in class or have to take a pop quiz
Tip 6 gets a good night sleep
Your brain needs rest to perform at its peak lack of sleep makes the day seem longer and your tasks seem more difficult
Tip 7 communicate you schedule to others
If phone calls or text messages goes are proving to be distraction tell your friends that you are only available at certain times of day and not to expect a response at other times
Tip 9 don’t waste time agonizing
Instead of agonizing and procrastinating just do it wasting time and entire evening worrying about something that you’re supposed to be doing is not productive and can increase your stress
Tip 10 determine your priorities
You can’t do everything at once establish the importance of each item then set realistic goals that attainable       
Choose the right

Student Success Statement

             Student Success Statement
“Choosing the right is always the right thing to do.”
Reflection: What I think about this quote is that it’s true if your choosing the right your making the right decisions and the best ones. For example if you have a choice from going out or staying in and get your work done if you choose to stay in and get your work done you know that your making the right decisions and it always feel good. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I think that this statements is trying to say that people cannot do the wrong thing and think that is was a good choice. people need to do the right thing in order to feel good about what they did. For example, if people do the right thing they will get something good out of it. if people decide to do the wrong thing they won't get the same goodness out of it.

7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens

        7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens
                             Habit 3
Habit 3: Put First Things First
Habit three is about will and will not power. This habit helps teens prioritize and manage their time so that they focus on and complete the most important things in their lives. Putting first things first also means learning to overcome fears and being strong during difficult times.
Things first deals with things that are:
Important or not important, urgent or not urgent. Let’s 3
Quadrant 1: Things that are important and Urgent
Quadrant 2: Things that are important but not Urgent
Quadrant 3: Things that are not important but are Urgent
Quadrant 4: things that are not important and not urgent
1. important & urgent

2. important but not urgent

3. not important but are urgent

4. not important and not urgent  

Quadrant 2 is the idea place to spend our time doing things that are important but not urgent here’s where priorities come into ply
1. Control of your life
2. Balance
3. High performance
So in what are you spending most of your time the key id to shift as much time as possible into quadrant 2 and this is accomplished by planning spend more time planning and incorporating the most important things first things that matter most keep your eyes on the prize and reach for it.
Choose the right 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Student success statement

                            Student success statement
The only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded lies in the difference of their habits good habits are the key to all success bad habits are the unlocked door t failure.
The the first law will obey which precedeth all others is I will form good habits and become their slaves.
og mandino 

REFLECTION:  What I think about this quote is that it is true if we have made good habits we will succeed in life if we choose to make bad habits we will fail life. 

7 habits of highly successful teens

7 habits of highly successful teens
Habits 2
  Habit 2 being with the end in mind
if teens aren’t clear about where they want to end up in life about their values goal and what they stand for they will wonder waste time and tossed to and fro by the opinions of others help your teen create a personal mission statement which will act as a road map and direct and guide his decision making process.
Keep your eyes on the prize determine your desired prize and don’t quit until you have realized the achievement of your prize another goal or desire that you would really like to achieve. Bing with the achievement of your prize in mind visualizes and then realizes start by having a target in mind know where you are going.
One prize or goal you definitely need to establish for yourself is the prize of and honorable graduation from high school that you will receive your diploma honestly and with integrity that you earned it with prefect honesty
Choose the right

Monday, February 11, 2013

7 habits of highly successful teens

7 habits of highly successful teens
Habit 1
Habit 1: be proactive
being proactive is the key to unlocking the other habits help your teen take control and responsibility for her life proactive people understand that they are responsible for their own happiness or unhappiness they don’t blame others for their own actions or feelings proactive people realize that the ball is in their court that control of their decisions thoughts choices decisions goals actions be and priorities proactive people are self-starters they don’t wait to be told what to do they press forward with enthusiasm toward the their obligations choosing to do what is right is a proactive decision obey the rule. Obey the law. Obey the coach. Obey the school policies.  Obey your parents. Obey with exactness and great things will come to you be proactive and take the initiative.
Choose the right

Monday, February 4, 2013

student success statement

student success statement 
its not where you live but how you live that counts its not where you play the game but how you play the game that counts 
Mr Haymore 

if you want to live some where nice and have all the thing you want do it the right way because it matters HOW you live and it also matters how you play because everything matters just that many people dont know that but you can.


Profile of a successful student Part 1

profile of a successful students part 1

Profile of a successful student

Part 1

A successful student…

…takes responsibility for his/her own learning

Online learning can be a powerful, stimulating, engaging experience for the student who can work and think independently. However, since most- if not all-of the learning takes place on your own time, you will not have the kind of direct supervision you would in a classroom. Online learning therefore requires a significant commitment from you. All education comes down to what you’re willing to invest in the experience- this is particularly true in the online environment. Commitment, self-discipline and self-motivation are all key qualities to ensuring success in an online course!

…is comfortable and confident with written communication

Reading and writing are the basis of most online courses, so it’s critical that you feel comfortable with form of communication. While some courses contain modules that include videos or other activities, all of them require significant amounts of reading. And nearly all of your communication with your classmates and your instructor will be in writing. If these are weak areas for you, you will want to address those issues prior to enrolling or while enrolled in an online course. The PSU Writing Center is available to assist you.

…is willing to be a member of an online community.


Monday, February 4, 2013 Student Success Statement Student Success Statement “It’s not WHERE you live but HOW you live that counts. It’s not where you play the game but HOW you play the game that counts” Mr.Haymore if you want to live some where nice and have all the thing you want do it the right way because it matters HOW you live and it also matters how you play because everything matters just that many people dont know that but you can.  Posted by Nicole Cideos at 8:15 AM No comments: Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Labels: STUDENTS SUCCESS STATEMENT, SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS profile of a successful students part 1 Profile of a successful student Part 1 A successful student…

…takes responsibility for his/her own learning

Online learning can be a powerful, stimulating, engaging experience for the student who can work and think independently. However, since most- if not all-of the learning takes place on your own time, you will not have the kind of direct supervision you would in a classroom. Online learning therefore requires a significant commitment from you. All education comes down to what you’re willing to invest in the experience- this is particularly true in the online environment. Commitment, self-discipline and self-motivation are all key qualities to ensuring success in an online course!

…is comfortable and confident with written communication

Reading and writing are the basis of most online courses, so it’s critical that you feel comfortable with form of communication. While some courses contain modules that include videos or other activities, all of them require significant amounts of reading. And nearly all of your communication with your classmates and your instructor will be in writing. If these are weak areas for you, you will want to address those issues prior to enrolling or while enrolled in an online course. The PSU Writing Center is available to assist you.

…is willing to be a member of an online community.


Friday, February 1, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement

“Goodness is the only investment that never fails.”

-- Henry David Thoreau


On everything you in invest some will succeed but some will not but the only one that is the best investment is goodness because choosing the right is doing something good.

Successful students 10

Successful students


10. Successful students are good time managers. Successful students do not procrastinate. They have learned that time control is life control and have consciously chosen to be in control of their life.

An elemental truth: you will either control time or be controlled by it! It’s your choice: you can lead or be led, establish control or relinquish control, steer your own course or follow others. Failure to take control of their own time is probably the no. 1 study skill problem for college students. It ultimately causes many students to become non-students! Procrastinators are good excuse-makers. Don’t make academics harder on yourself than it has to be. Stop procrastinating. And don’t wait until tomorrow to do it!

The 10 items listed above are paraphrased from an article by Larry M Ludwig called Ten Commandments for Effective study skills which appeared in The Teaching Professor, December, 1992

Learning technologies and online education

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Successful students

         Successful students
9.  . . .don’t cram from exams. Successful students know that divided periods of study are more effective than cram sessions, and they practice it.
    If there is one thing that study skills specialist agree on, it is that distributed study is better than massed, late night, last- ditch efforts known as craning. You’ll learn more, remember more, and earn a higher grade by studying in four, one hour-a-night sessions for Friday’s exam than studying for four hours straight on Thursday night. Short, concentrated preparatory efforts are more efficient and rewarding than wasteful, intensive, last moment marathons. Yet, so many students fail to learn this lesson and end up repeating it over and over again until it becomes a wasteful habit. Not too clever, huh?
When you cram, you are taking the shortcut, and shortcuts never produce any real worthwhile results. Also, when you take shortcuts, you feel rather rotten knowing that you could have done better but didn’t. Shortcuts cut you short. You can’t plant watermelon seeds and harvest fresh watermelons the next day. It takes time. Cramming for a test or project and expecting to make a high score the next day is like planting watermelon seeds and expecting to harvest and eat fresh watermelon the next day. Plus cramming for a test or project doesn’t help you academically, so why even do it. Plan ahead, prepare ahead. Give yourself plenty of days and weeks to prepare for upcoming accountability opportunities.
      Choose the right!!!!  

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Successful Students

Successful Students

7.  … Understand that actions affect learning. Successful students know their personal behavior affect their feelings and emotions which turn can affect learning.
If you act in a certain way that normally produces particular feelings, you will begin to experience those feelings. Act like you’re bored and you’ll become bored. Act like you’re disinterested and you’ll become disinterested. So the next time you have trouble concentrating in the classroom, “act” like an interested person “lean forward, place your feet flat on the floor, maintain eye contact with the professor, nod occasionally, take notes, and ask questions. Not only will you benefit directly from your actions, your classmates and professor may also get more excited and enthusiastic.

8.  …Talk about what they’re learning. Successful students get to know something well enough that they can put it into words.
Talking about something, with friends or classmates, is not only good for checking whether or not you know something, it’s a proven learning tool. Transferring ideas into words provides the most direct path for moving knowledge from short-term to long term memory. Your really don’t “know” material until you can put it out into words. So, next time you study, don’t do it silently. Talk about notes, problems, Reading, etc. With friends, recite to a chair, organize an oral study group, Pretend you’re teaching your peers. “Talk-learning” Produces a whole host of memory traces that results in more learning.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Successful Students (5-6)

Successful Students (5-6)

Successful Students


5. Don’t sit In the back of the room. Successful students minimize classroom distractions that interfere with learning.

Students want the best seat available for their entertainment dollars, but willingly seek the worst seat for their educational dollars. Students who sit in the black cannot possibly be their professor’s teammate (see no. 4). Why do they expose themselves to the temptations of inactive classroom experiences and distractions of all the people between them and their instructor? Of course, we know they chose the back of the classroom because they seek invisibility or anonymity, both of which are antithetical to efficient and effective learning. If you are trying not to be part of the class, why, then are you wasting your time? Push your hot buttons; is there something else you should be doing with your time?

6. Take good notes. Successful students take notes that are understandable and organized, and review them often.

Why put something into your notes you don’t understand? Ask the questions now that are necessary to make your notes meaningful at some later time. A short review of your notes while the material is still fresh on your mind helps you learn more. The more you learn then, the less you’ll have to learn later less time it will take because you won’t have to include some deciphering time, also. The whole purpose of taking notes is to use them, and use them often. The more you use them, the more they improve.

Monday, January 28, 2013

JAN 28 Successful Students 3

Successful Students 3
Successful Students 3-4 3. . . . Ask questions. Successful students ask questions to provide the quickest route between ignorance and knowledge. In addition to securing knowledge you seek, asking questions has at least two other extremely important benefits. The process helps you pay attention to your professor and helps your professor pay attention to you! Think about it. If you want something, go after it. Get the answer now, or fail a question later. There are no foolish questions, only foolish silence. It’s your choice. 4. . . . Learn that a student and a professor make a team. Most instructors want exactly what you want: they would like for you to learn the material in their respective classes and earn a good grade. Successful students reflect well on the efforts of any teacher; if you have learned your material, the instructor takes some justifiable pride in teaching. Join forces with your instructor, they are not an enemy, and you share the same interests, the same goals-in short, and your teammates. Get to know your professor. Neither wishes to chalk up a losing season. Be a team player! CHOOSE THE RIGHT!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Study for multiple Exam part2

Study for multiple Exam part2

Study for multiple Exam part2
My strategies for written assignment: everyone has their own writing styles. I generally come up with an idea and do massive amount of research before I ever think about writing. I then organize my research then sometimes prepare an outline before actually writing. I always print out the paper and come back to it the next day and reread it. That is the easiest way for me to catch my own mistakes. I have to give my eyes a break from it, and if I just wrote it l think it looks perfect. But if I look at it a day later I almost always find grammatical errors or phrases and sentences I just want to reword.
How I succeed in team project: Never assume someone is doing what they are supposed to be doing. Have regular meeting and have each member show their work, not just give you or the group their word for it.
Choose the right!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Study for Multiple Exams

Study for Multiple Exams

Study for Multiple Exams
How I study for multiple exams, deal with multiple projects: Really it is my time management that I explained above. If I see I have multiple things due or to study for all at the same time I spread out my time beforehand. For explained, if I have a test Monday, and 2 tests Tuesday then I will study for my Monday test Tuesday then I will study for my Monday test Thursday and part of Friday. Start studying for next test on the second half of Friday and part of Saturday, then my second Tuesday test on Saturday as well and part of Sunday. Then Sunday night I can review for my Monday test because I already studied for it. When that test is over I can begin reviewing for the other test. My overall study method:  I try to break it up over several days or at least two. I get bogged down if try to pull an all-nighter.

How I’ve overcome an initial bad grade: If I received a low grade I probably knew it was coming because I didn’t use the right study habit for that class. I usually try to go over what I did wrong and sometime discuss with the teacher what I can do differently on the next exam or what they suggest I do for studying for the next exam.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Sarah’s Academic Success Story

Sarah’s Academic Success Story

Part 2

          My test study methods: I have different strategies for different types of test or subject. For me, any type of math is exceptionally difficult so I had to spend extra time on that. I would go back through the homework problems focusing on the problems that I had extra difficulty on. Many times I would ask the teacher for an additional study materials they could provide. If it was a class that required memorization or applying concepts I would create a shot study guide for myself many times focusing on what were key focal points in the class. If I knew their where we going to be essays I would try to take the terms and apply them to an example or create different questions on the concepts focused on throughout the semester.
          My time management secret: I always, always, always carry a planner with me. I even use different color highlighters to show what each event on my calendar is for. Example, pink is personal, yellow is school, orange is work, blue is for appointments and green is for my sorority. Although I use white-out frequently, I can see in bright yellow that is I have that project for finance due on Tuesday, I need to start working on it on [the previous] Wednesday so I can just get it done. My friends have always been amazed on how early I get things accomplished but that is really all I do.

Choose the Right!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Effective study methods

Effective study methods
How I deal with multiple project/test when I have more than one test or project I break up my studying I will study for one test for 30 minutes or so add then switch to the other one if there is some part of a project that I know will not take me very long I will do it when I don’t have much time if I am really in a crunch for time on a specific day I will study for one test in the morning and the other in the afternoon or at night by breaking up the studying into different sections I feel like I get much more done cram sessions do not work for me I need to study something for a shorter period of time more often for to skink in
                Choose the right 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

part 2

My time management secret my secret is to use time wisely I know that on certain days I do not have time to run errands or hang out with friends even each minute of each day is used for something one thing that works really well for me is to write everything down I mean everything I write down if I am going to email people write letters or study it works for me to have a planner that goes by the day and shows me what I am going to be doing every day knowing  what I have to do every day helps me plan out week and my days if I know  that I don’t have time on Tuesday I will try to get more thing on Monday or Sunday I plan ahead especially if I am going to be on the road for volleyball when I am on the road I bring books and read on the bus/plane/hotel  room missing class professors they are usually nice about having to turn in late or not being class.
Choose the right 

Monday, January 7, 2013

my vacations

what i did on my vacations was playing ps3 all day and eat sleep play with my little brother and sister be on Facebook mostly every two days or one but that's all i did when on was off school  oh be with the family on Xmas and new years and some posole est chips and everything and they be dancing laugh and ill be playing ps3 with my cusing playing black ops 2 and mw3 but that was not all but i get remember what else we did so yea that's all i got to say