Thursday, April 25, 2013

Reading 5 tips Tips 3-4

5 tips
Tips 3-4
Tip 3 do research
Literary critics have written vast numbers of analytically and critical pieces on countless books if you’re having trouble understanding a particular text do some research and see what knowledgeable sources have to say about it in addition to increasing your comprehension you’ll also showing initiative something teachers always like to see always use legitimate and scholarly sources not condensed study guides
Yip 4 use a dictionary
Make sure you have access to a dictionary when you’re reading you can often figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word by using context clues but sometimes you can’t rather than simply skipping over the words you don’t know take the time to look them up the result are well worth the effort your comprehensions will increase greatly and you’ll build your vocabulary at the same time.
Choose the right!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Student Success Statement

         Student Success Statement
“A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder.”
                                                   Thomas Carlyle
REFLECTION: What this quote about Thomas Carlyle means to me is that if you don’t have any goal in your life to reach for you can end up somewhere you won’t like so a person without a goal is nothing.

Reading 5 tips for success

5 tips for success
Reading and writing go hand in hand the better you understand a text the more likely you are successfully communicate your thoughts about it in writhing sop its important to develop strong skills in both areas with that in mind here’s how to improve your reading comprehension
Tips 1-2
Tip 1: annotate
Be an active reader instead of passively reading a text take notes about important story elements key factual information and significant in text
Tip 2 notes the authors writing style
Every author with a purpose using deliberate methods to successfully specific information to the audience when you’re reading look for patterns in the author writhing for example you may notice a repetition of key words phrases or symbols or the use of distinct type of sentence structure authors employ these writing strategies to help readers comprehend a central argument or theme so be sure to explore how these techniques  crate meaning
Choose the right 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Student success statement

Student success statement
You have only always to what to do what is right it will become easier by practice and you enjoy in the midst of your trials the pleasure of an approving conscience
Robert E. Lee

Take control of homework So it doesn't control you Part 3

Take control of homework
So it doesn’t control you
Part 3
Take advantage of any free time
If you have a study period or a long bus ride use the time to review notes prepare for upcoming class or start your homework flash cards are a great learning tool they are easy to handle and are a marvelous tool to help you learn and remember anything punch a hole in the upper left corner of each index card and connect the stack of your flash cards with a ring then the card are bound and not flopping around cards bound like this act like a small book with pages you can even have separate ringed tacks for each subject whatever you want to remember put in on card
Study with a friend
Get together with friends and classmates to quiz each other compare notes and predict test questions consider joining a study group
Communicate if you don’t concerns about the amount or type of homework you have you may want to talk to your family teachers or counselor they can help understand how much time you need to allot for homework and go to manage your tasks
Celebrate your achievements
Reward yourself for hitting milestones or doing something weal
Choose the right

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Take control of homework so it doesn’t control you

Take control of homework so it doesn’t control you
Part 2
keep things in perspective know how much weight each assignment or test carries and your time accordingly don’t  waste time but be wise an smart doing the most important things direst is being wise and smart
keep your mind from wandering by taking notes underlining sections discussing topics with others or relating your homework to something you’re like studying in another class learn actively and not passively be demonstrate a good attitude toward home assignments and you will being to love doing it
Organize the information
People process information in different ways some people to draw pictures or charts to digest information others prefer to read out loud or make detailed outlines try to find to methods that work best for you ask you teacher for recommendations if you’re having trouble
Choose the right